A Constructed Life

A letter to my daughter

Dear Baby Girl,

You’re almost 15-months-old now. We’re working on dropping morning naps, losing the bottle and teaching you names for everything around you. In other words, you’re continuing to grow up and are rapidly becoming my little girl instead of my baby.

New words are coming quickly to you, as you try to repeat many of the things we say to you. At first when you tried talking, you spoke and inhaled simultaneously, which gave your first words a Darth Vader-like effect. I’ll be honest. It was odd, but in a very charming way. Just when I was getting concerned that your vocal chords would forever be on The Dark Side, you dropped the inhale and started speaking normally. Whew. You’ve mastered Daddy, Momma, belly button (bell-ba), bathtime (bah-tim), banana, bottle (baba) and Willy (Wiwy), Grandma and Grandpa H’s cat.

You’re a goofy, silly girl who gravitates toward the outdoors, reading books and puppies. You love to laugh, and what draws the biggest giggles, besides being tickled by your Daddy, is the seconds right before you know something awesome is about to happen. You love the moment of anticipation and erupt into fits of laughter when the action you’ve been waiting for finally happens, no matter if it’s a gentle pinch to your nose or a small, soft toss into the air.

I am amazed by how well you share. You love to take breaks from eating to feed everyone else in the room. When walking around with your sippy cup, you always offer it to others as you cruise by. And if you bless one person in the vicinity with a kiss, you are not satisfied until every mouth in the room receives a peck. However. Your tantrums provide a contrast to your generous nature. You are a girl who wants what she wants and have taken to falling to the floor and giving your best display of crocodile tears if you sense you may not get your way. It makes me wonder what 2 will be like.

Miss Adeline, despite your occasional less-than-charming moments, we love being your Momma and Dada. Watching you grow and learn and take in the world is a magical thing that we feel so lucky to be a part of. Thank you for opening our eyes, lives and hearts to so much joy, love and wonder. You are such a special girl.

I love you, love you, love you, my sweet, sweet baby girl.


One thought on “A letter to my daughter

  1. Pingback: Inspiration for next year’s Halloween costume | A Constructed Life

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