A Constructed Life

Our first vacation as four

It started off with a bang, and not just because it was the Fourth of July. Here’s an overview of the week.

Monday: Adeline spikes a fever of 103 and sports a swollen, bright red throat. The doc declares her strep-free, and we decide to keep our vacation plans, if only to escape the 100+ degree heat (we don’t have air conditioning in our 99-year-old house).

Tuesday: Adeline has slept approximately 3 hours because apparently a body temp of 103 doesn’t pair well with a 1,000 degree bedroom. Shortly after waking up, she barfs all over the living room. I inform my parents, who are waiting for us at the family cabin, that we are on our way, and Hooray! We’re bringing puke with us! Adeline sleeps through the entire 3.5 hr drive. Thank you, Jesus.

Wednesday: After waking up with her every hour, on the hour, I climb into bed with Adeline, who announces morning’s arrival by hurling all over me and the bed. So far, this vacation rocks. A dose of ibuprofen brings her fever down, and her spirits lift enough to head to the Bailey’s Harbor Fourth of July Parade.

Except for the occasional smile when she catches some candy and bursts of movement from the associated sugar high, Adeline basically looks like a zombie. A very cute and patriotic one.

The parade, which we typically are in (it’s a tradition that goes back years), is best described as random mixed with a few politicians, bands and religious groups.

Adeline’s I-Am-In-Hell perspective on the parade. “Who the F are these people with yellow balls on their heads and you best throw me a goddamn Tootsie Roll or I will bite your face off and suck the life from your soul.”

I don’t even know what to say about this guy. Except that he epitomizes the R-A-N-D-O-M of the parade. And was a good drummer. And very warm.

After guzzling candy as if her health depended on it, Adeline perks up. Since we’re pushing fluids on her, she, in turn, pushes fluids on Crosby. We were all very well hydrated.

Thursday: Another night of ridiculously interrupted sleep, but Adeline’s fever has finally evacuated her body, leaving behind extreme exhaustion. At this point, the only sounds that have escaped her mouth in the last 3 days are whines, cries and screams, broken up with very occasional smiles and fleeting bouts of happiness. In other words, we are all miserable. We try to make the best of it, and Joey golfs while me and the kids head to the beach with a family friend.

I brought way too much with me. Crosby is buried under our excessive beach paraphernalia, but that’s how I role these days. Overpacked and overprepared. Adeline is pleasant for a total of 30 minutes, and we abort the beach quickly.

Friday: Adeline wakes up after a 13-hour marathon sleep. She is happy! She is smiling! Our little girl is back! However, Joey and Crosby now have epic colds. We shall not be deterred. At this point, vacation becomes enjoyable, despite a husband who can barely breath through his nose and a mildly fussy 8-month-old.

Here’s how the rest of it looked.



This big smile was a welcome site.

Crosby, deciding which part of the beach to sink his mouth into first.

Enjoying one of his first moments splashing in the lake.

Adeline’s zombie infection lead her to hide the Little Swimmer diapers, so the kiddos spent the last day at the beach wearing regular diapers into the water. Crosby’s absorbed half of Lake Michigan.

Crawling lessons

Our last night included a bonfire for the sole purpose of making s’mores. Adeline informed us that while she does like s’mores, she only likes the marshmallow part and prefers that it not be hot or melty. So basically, she likes marshmallows.

Our next family trip? Camping. As in a tent with no electricity or running water. I am 70 percent terrified and 30 percent excited-or-is-that actually-just-hysteria? I’m hoping we all stay healthy and am counting on some great memories.

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4 thoughts on “Our first vacation as four

  1. Kelly J. R.

    Probably better that she only likes un-roasted marshies. One of my first camping memories is a burning marshmallow flying into my open eye. I was roasting my marshmallow when it caught on fire. I (too) quickly brought the stick up to blow out the flame and the gooey burning mess flew off the stick and into my eye. I think I screamed my head off until I couldn’t scream anymore. Ahhhh, the great outdoors! Wishing you luck on your upcoming excursion.

    PS – I wasn’t too scarred though – I still like my s’mores.

    1. Liz Post author

      I LOVE that story! So deliciously traumatic! I think I would have developed a fear of marshmallows after that. You are so brave for giving s’mores another try after that!

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