A Constructed Life

Dear Baby Boy


In your short life, you have already developed several nicknames, the first created by sister, who pronounces your name Cros-uh-be or simply refers to you as Little Boy or Baby Brother. I find myself unable to control ridiculous variations, like Crozzy-Croz, Crozberry and Croz-a-Meister from spilling from my mouth.

While you have the benefit of being our second born, and therefore, get more experienced and chill parents, your birth order also means you’re regularly neglected as I chase after your older sister. Generally, you tolerate this, contentedly passing the time kicking your legs and thrusting your arms about. This lasts for about 8 minutes, at which point you decide it’s time for a new spot to practice the super cool skill of moving your limbs. When you are not eating or sleeping, you are in your bouncy chair, on your activity mat or nestled in the Boppy on the couch.

At 2 months of age, you have already experienced your first cold, a gift your sister picked up at school and shared with all of us. Since you can’t blow your nose and your sister simply refuses to, you are both equally miserable. Except you also have to deal with me sticking a bulb syringe up your nose to suck out the snot, whereas I just pin your sister in my arms and rub Kleenex all over her face hoping it encounters her nose at some point.

Ironically, your first cold coincided with you unleashing dozens of huge smiles upon us every day. It is one of the sweetest sights of my life, and I babble and grin at you whenever I can in hopes of seeing it.

My heart fills with more and more love for you as each moment passes. You are my sweet baby boy, and I can’t wait to see all the other firsts that lay ahead.

I love you.


3 thoughts on “Dear Baby Boy

  1. Courtney

    I love that the Packer game is on in the background of that last pictures…glad Joey already has him watching him favorite team 🙂

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