A Constructed Life

The Bob. As in my uncle.

First, yes, I am still very much pregnant. Hoping this kid shows his face soon.


Yes, Uncle Bob. A whole entire post devoted to you! That’s what you get for being my relative. This is actually Uncle Bob’s second time being spotlighted here, so he’s accustomed to all the hoopla that comes with it. Which means no hoopla of any kind.

It was Uncle Bob’s birthday last Friday. My Grandma, Bob’s mom, and I had chatted about the possibility of The Boy showing up on his birthday, but alas, he remains in utero.

In honor of Uncle Bob’s birthday (belated), I would like to share these photos.

That’s one of the many lizards we encountered on our trip to Mexico this spring.

You see, Uncle Bob is into reptiles, especially snakes. So much so that he’s created a pretty amazing career out of them, including exhibits, books, television appearances and coming to my 2nd grade classroom with a boa constrictor.

Ironically, I have a really hard time with reptiles. I’ve never really fully disclosed my feelings about them to my uncle until now. They make my spine tingle and I get all creeped out and my chest tightens up a bit. I’m okay with frogs and toads. In fact, I like them and used to catch them when I was little. Lizards give me the heeby-jeebies just slightly. I steered clear of them in Mexico and leapt away if they started coming towards me. Snakes, on the other hand…I can barely handle it. Something in how still they can be and then how incredibly fast they can move. And that some snakes, ones I will likely never encounter, can harm me.

I have memories of playing near the big rocks along the shore of our cabin and being surprised by a snake as I played with my Barbies. And I remember riding my bike down our road at the cabin (a cabin Bob grew up visiting, too) and coming around a corner and seeing a long snake right in my path and not having time to move out of the way and feeling my bike bump right over it. So, I think that’s what did it. That, and my affinity for irrational fears.

Now for the part to make Uncle Bob feel better. I realize my squeamish reaction is not deserved and I am working on reminding myself that most snakes will not harm me and that in many ways, they’re actually lovely creatures. I am doing this in part for Uncle Bob, but also because I don’t want to pass on such a silly fear to my kids. Because there’s nothing to be afraid of. Right, Uncle Bob?

Adeline and me checking out a snake during her first trip to the zoo this summer.

It was a really cool blue-green color.

These are my baby steps in overcoming my fear of snakes. Or at least becoming tolerant enough of them so Addy and The Boy don’t inherit it. Uncle Bob, please do not assist me in overcoming this fear by bringing snakes to our holiday gatherings. Mixing Baby Jesus and Christmas trees with reptiles is more than I can handle.

One thought on “The Bob. As in my uncle.

  1. Uncle Bob


    Just back from the World Clydesdale Show, so just saw your post devoted to me. Thanks!

    Unfortunately, many people share your fears and for the very same reasons as you. Snakes have received bad press kinda from day one – that whole Garden of Eden deal. If you ever bring Addy and The Boy to the museum, I will very gently introduce them to a very friendly snake.

    It’s interesting that you several times replaced the word “snake” with “snack.” A mere typo? I think not.

    Despite your dislike for my favorite creatures, I still think you’re OK.

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