A Constructed Life

Half Of One Year

Dear Baby Girl,

You turn six months old tomorrow and quite frankly, I can’t believe it. Some part of me always expected you to stay a newborn and now I find myself wondering what happened to the tiny infant I brought home from the hospital because a full-fledged baby has replaced her. It happened so fast. The only possible explanation is that you were actually three months old when I gave birth to you because there’s no way a full six months has passed.

Take a peek at the clock in this picture. Adeline was born at 5:04 a.m.

The speed at which you’re becoming a little person freaks me out. Four months ago, you didn’t even know you had hands or legs and now I can’t keep your fingers out of your mouth and or reaching out for anything and everything. And those legs! Those little pudgy legs literally do not stop moving until you‘re sound asleep. You sit up by yourself (for just a few second before toppling over), flip yourself over (but you get stuck on your back like a turtle and cry till you’re rescued) and every time I see you get on your hands and knees I know crawling is just a few weeks away.

As much as I love witnessing the advancements you’re making, I already miss that 7 lb babe who spent her days and nights in my arms, eating, sleeping or crying.

Although you still love to be held, you demand the freedom to squirm around and arch your back to observe every new sight and sound. While you used to be fascinated by my face, I am quickly becoming mundane in comparison to…well, just about everything.

You are such a happy baby and I am addicted to your smile. Your giggles, which, thank god, come more easily now, are truly the greatest sound I’ve ever heard. For a while, your dad and I thought we were incredibly unamusing because we couldn’t get you to laugh, not even when I pretended to squeeze your onesie over my head while singing “Big mom in a little shirt.” And when we did finally get a laugh from you, it sounded forced, like you were just being polite and trying to spare our feelings. But now, you erupt into giggles just from seeing me make silly faces.

More than anything, Adeline, I want you to know that you are so loved. You are the single greatest thing I have done with my life and I feel so blessed to have you (and to think there was a time when I was terrified to be a mother!). Although I’m sad to realize how quickly you’ll grow up, I cannot wait to watch this journey you’ve begun and I’m so glad I have a front-row seat to it all. I’m not sure if I’m saying this to you or the greater powers that be, but thank you. Thank you for being mine and for reminding me, every day, how good life is.

I love you, love you, love you, my sweet, sweet baby girl.


3 thoughts on “Half Of One Year

  1. eliza

    Ok, your post made me cry and since my little guy (who is not so little) is already three months and I am aching to stop him from growing-up, I have decided to invent a time-machine…..one that stops time, instead of advancing it. Mommyhood is the most amazing thing and I do marvel at how fast the time goes by! You are a wonderful Mommy! I would love for our little angels to meet up sometime!

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