A Constructed Life

A New Kind of Fabric

I admit it. I’ve Googled some pretty strange things. Sometimes it’s out of my own curiosity and other times it stems from a random conversation with friends (you know who you are).

This Google search, which brought the searchee to my blog, is too good not to share with you. Please see below.

“The fabric of my butt”
Yes, People, someone spent time typing those words and then perusing the Internet looking for information on them. I have several questions about this. First, what is butt fabric and how do you get it? Is it just another way to describe a hairy butt? Next, if it’s your butt, shouldn’t you already be familiar with the fabric of it? Also, is there really information on the web, besides what you find on my blog (which seems to be an authority on the subject), about butt fabric? And finally, how many of you reading this are going to do a Google search for “butt fabric” just to see what you can find? I know I am. I hope I find more than just my blog, because I never intended to hog all the “butt fabric” traffic.
Happy Google searching!

One thought on “A New Kind of Fabric

  1. NV

    giggling uncontrollably at "butt fabric." Does that mean then that if you "copy" your butt with a Xerox machine that it would effectively be a "butt print?"

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