A Constructed Life

What Else Am I Supposed To Do With This Thing?

I apologize for the poor picture quality, but it was taken with my co-workers iphone as he laughed at my impressive ability to balance office supplies on my ginormous belly. Resting on my “It seriously can’t get any bigger” stomach are a stapler, tape dispenser, keyboard dust remover spray can, a bottle of lotion and a small cheeseburger-shaped stress ball. We debated putting the entire computer monitor on it as well, but thought we’d be pushing our luck.

So, the next time you’re just a few days away from your due date (Monday, August 17th), you can enjoy the fun of your co-workers loading your belly up with everything they can find and then getting a good laugh at your expense! What a great way to spend a lunch break!

P.S. I couldn’t have accomplished this feat without assistance from Cheri, (her hand appears in the above photo) who served as my right-hand-man (ha ha. get it?) in this perilous pregnancy balancing act.

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