A Constructed Life

Because if you saw a Snuggie sitting out, you’d try it on, too.

They’re infamous now – the warm and cozy “blanket with sleeves.”

Admit it – you’re curious about how well it works and just how “snuggie” it really is. This is the internal dialogue I imagine most of us have when seeing the Snuggie commercials: “Hmmm – the Snuggie does look pretty comfy and my house is drafty. Maybe I should buy one. Wait – is this infomercial sucking me in? Am I really about to buy what is essentially a long hospital gown made of fleece?”

Like many of you, I’ve been skeptical about the Snuggie and its claim to “Keep you ultra warm while letting you do what you need to.” So, when I happened upon one the other day at a book/product fair at my office, I couldn’t help but put it on.

Undeniably, there is one thing the Snuggie is good at doing, and that’s making a pregnant belly look exceptionally large. The caption to this photo could read “Pregnant woman plans to deliver baby dressed as Statue of Liberty.” I look like a knocked-up monk or Jedi fighter. Or a member of a cult that takes comfort very seriously.

My verdict on The Snuggie: It’s alright. Warm – yes. Snuggie – kinda. Big and long – absolutely. And there is something extremely convenient and appealing about having sleeves. Plus, it does come with a reading light. But, while I think the Snuggie is perfect for some, I prefer to stick with my arsenal of heavy quilts and sweatshirts, all of which keep me warm while reading a book, talking on the phone or watching T.V. Admittedly, they do not make me look like the Statue of Liberty, which will make staying warm in the winter a little less fun.

3 thoughts on “Because if you saw a Snuggie sitting out, you’d try it on, too.

  1. Milwaukee Cupcake Queen

    I don't know how I missed this excellent photo moment, but so glad I found it here. Good luck today, I will be thinking of you and your shrinking belly! xoxox

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