A Constructed Life

When email can inspire

A friend of mine, actually, my old boss/editor (an awesome woman complete with a big heart and loads of smarts) recently asked me in an email what I’ve been doing for fun and inspiration. And at first all I could muster was a sigh, as the repetitive details of my stay-at-home-mom day ran through my brain. Between endlessly cleaning my house for showings (9 of them and 0 offers), caring for my little kids, and, most recently, my husband, who was incapacitated for 3 days after throwing his back out (golfing), it’s been a long, seemingly uninspiring week.

But then, as so often happens, on the heels of a downtrodden attitude came insight. I looked around my life and saw that inspiration was all around me, remembering that it often lies in the ordinary moments, not the extraordinary events. All I had to do was open my eyes to it, to change my perspective from Blah to Boom, and let the smallest things whack me in the heart with their subtle beauty.

So, dear Jeanne, what have I been doing lately for inspiration?

I have been watching my handsome troublemaker son and sweet, growing-up-too-fast daughter forming a lifelong bond, one weaved with love, friendship and mutual disgust.

I have seen Crosby find fascination in the whistle of a train, the tweet of a bird and the wet lick of a dog. I have also watched him struggle to understand that markers (washable, thank god) are for paper, not faces.

I have been swept away by the beauty of my daughter and a deep desire for her to also be strong, smart, kind, confident and brave.

I have been inspired to be the best mother I can be, day in and day out, for these two little people who have been gifted to me. While I steadfastly watch over their safety, I admit to somewhat regularly failing to see the magic in our everyday occurrences.

But today was a day where I was reminded to witness them, not as a busy passerby with rooms to clean and laundry to fold, but as the person who was given a VIP pass to their childhood and whose attitude directly impacts their environment.

Thank you to all, Jeanne included, who keep me inspired.

4 thoughts on “When email can inspire

  1. Nicole

    Thank you, Liz, for reminding me what a blessing it is to be a stay at home mom. Although the job is hard and far from glamorous, I know I will always treasure these years. These pics of Addy and Crosby are so sweet!

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