A Constructed Life

An honest Christmas card

I am among the folks who send out an annual holiday card featuring photos of my kids. Like most people, I spend a fair amount of time selecting the most adorable, awesome pictures of my kids (and Joey and me) that I can find. And most of the holiday cards we receive feature the same idyllic family photos – everyone looks their best.

This year, as I was perusing the gazillion photos I have of the kids, I stumbled on a few that capture what life is really like in my house. Zany, goofy, ridiculous and chaotic. I was SO close to going with the card you see below. I figured it would be memorable and stand out from the others entering people’s mailboxes this year. But then I realized that for the people who do not see us much, our Christmas card was potentially the only glimpse they’d get of us for the year. And I didn’t want them to remember my family as Those Freaks, though there is a chance that’s what they think of us no matter what photos I put on our card.

So, to you, my friends, family and anonymous readers, I give you the honest version of our family Christmas card. It’s only appropriate, seeing this blog is where I tend to show my most authentic self. If I don’t get a chance to get back here to say it before either The End of the World or Christmas, I wish you and yours either the best last days on Earth or, if we all survive, the happiest of holidays.

6 thoughts on “An honest Christmas card

  1. Courtney

    I love this card! And I love the idea of sending out “honest” Christmas cards–ones that show what the past year of our lives was really like! Maybe I’ll be brave enough next year…but for this year, I chose pictures that make it appear as if Calvin is always happy, we’re all always dressed in cute outfits, and I’ve actually showered on a daily basis 😉

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