A Constructed Life

And then I walked away from my job

Tomorrow is my last day as an employed person. I feel sadness over the people I will miss seeing on a weekly basis, nostalgia over the happy memories I have and a deep awareness that this is the end of a chapter in my life.

Before this job, I had never lasted longer than 2 years anywhere, getting antsy and deciding to move on or switch careers. I found amazing friends at this job, perks, a creative outlet. But the longer you stay at a place the more changes you see, and many of my friends found new paths for themselves. Once I had kids, I always felt that my heart was parked at home while my body was at the office. Because of that, and one hundred other reasons, I decided to make my home my office.

More than anything, I am feeling excitement and apprehension over the big blank canvas in front of me. My next job is taking care of my family. But I know there is a “next job” after that. I just have no idea what it will be. And I kind of love that.

2 thoughts on “And then I walked away from my job

  1. Courtney

    Congrats on finishing up your last day Liz! I know you’re going to be an AMAZING stay-at-home mom…your kids are so lucky to have you all to themselves now! And you should expect lots of phone calls from me this summer as I figure out how to be a new mom at home with my baby 🙂

  2. Crystal

    Congrats, Liz! I wish I could’ve been at the celebration tonight. Good luck on this new chapter! I know two little people who are very excited for this change. Let us know when you are free for some playdates. 🙂

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