A Constructed Life

And then she fell in love with spinach, blue green algae and wheat grass

If you’ve been visiting here for a while, you already know that my 2-year-old is a quirky eater. In other words, she’s like most toddlers in that she adores carbs and candy…so sugar is her drug of choice.

Lately, Adeline has decided that all green food is bad, and she will not allow it to enter her mouth. I, of course, began worrying that she would become malnourished and decided to intervene with trickery to prevent her from getting scurvy. The girl fell for it. Hard.

Meet Adeline’s new drink of choice.

It contains anti-toddler ingredients like barley grass, spinach and spirulina. And she can’t get enough of it. The trick? A fun name, special cup and straw. And the flavor isn’t bad…but I wouldn’t describe it as delicious. Joey and I drink it, too, and we have to chug it down. I found this beverage around Halloween and told her it was a special brew that magical fairy witches (I was desperate) prepared to make themselves extra powerful (really, really desperate). Since then, I have kept our fridge stocked with “Halloween Juice,” as Addy calls it, and she polishes off at least one glass per day.

However, if there’s one thing I’ve learned about my daughter, and most toddlers, it’s that they feel deeply passionate about things for a fleeting period of time. No worries though. When she grows tired of Halloween Juice, I’ll simply replace it with Valentine Nectar or Easter Smoothie. A mom’s gotta do what a mom’s gotta do, right?

3 thoughts on “And then she fell in love with spinach, blue green algae and wheat grass

  1. Kelly J. R.

    I LOVE GREEN MACHINES! Power C is pretty darn good too. I now have a juicer so we make our own fun concoctions. Addy might have fun throwing fruit & veggies down a juicer chute… I’ve come to find out that a lot of people have juicers that they never use. Maybe once her Halloween juice phase wears off, you could borrow a juicer from someone and try that. Every day my husband and I drink a tall glass that contains 2 oranges, 1/2 grapefruit, 1/2 lemon, 2 carrots, handfuls of spinach or kale, and cranberries. At least that’s the current juice of choice since citrus is on sale right now.

    1. Liz Post author

      I love the idea of a juicer and making your own tasty, heathy concoctions. I have no doubt that Addy would love experimenting with different flavor combinations, too. We make tons of smoothies with our blender as a quick way to get fruit, but we have yet to try tossing in some veggies. I think that’s next on our list now!

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