A Constructed Life


I have it. It sucks. My poor, painful, inflamed, splotchy boobie. It started on Monday morning when I woke up (after sleeping through the entire night for the sixth day in a row!) with my left breast aching. Feeding Crosby did little to ease the pain. I blew it off, figuring my milk supply was adjusting to zero nighttime feedings (because my baby is sleeping through the night! It’s so exiting, I had to say it again).

Tuesday morning, my boob was still killing me and I felt exhausted. By noon, I had a fever, chills and felt like I’d been hit by a train, with my left boob absorbing most of the impact. By 4:00, my boob was covered in red splotches. And that’s when I called my OBGYN, who diagnosed it and called in a Z Pack for me to take. I avoid all medication when pregnant and nursing because I tend to be paranoid about stuff like that. But this? I feel so shitty I will gulp it down.

Not really sure what caused it since it could be anything from not nursing enough, wearing too tight of a nursing bra or putting too much pressure on my breast when sleeping. Who the hell knows. I just want it to go away.

2 thoughts on “Mastitis.

  1. Rebecca

    Oh no! Feel better, my guess is that it is the going through the night thing, I never got it, but came close once elena was consistently sleeping through the night (I just ended up pumping a bit in the morning after feeding elena, to make sure I was fully expressed). Get well soon!!!

  2. elizabeth

    Oh Liz, I’m so sorry. I had mastitis on one side recently…and then just this past week had a blocked duct on the other boob! I ended up in the course of one day getting a fever of 102.2….and I was sooo uncomfortable! I ended up, to my dismay, on antibiotics..which I haven’t taken since I was a kid! This time, just a small fever and I worked it out. With any blocked duct problems, I take a homeopathic remedy called “phytolaca” (sp?)…it basically “waters” down your milk and allows the baby to work out the blocked ducts. If you start aching next time, call your doc/midwife and see if it would be ok to get this remedy because it totally works!!!!!!!!!

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