A Constructed Life

How goes it here?

Him? He continues to sleep, eat, poop like a champ and grow at lighting fast speed.

He reminds us of all the joys of newbornhood – cuddly little body slumped sound asleep on our chests; goofy facial expressions that we’ve nicknamed The Old Man, WTF is This Place and About to Unleash an Assplosion; endless noises that range from adorable (content little sighs) to terrifying (sharp inhales that convince me he’s choking to death) and itty bitty fingers that reach out and latch onto anything with complete trust. It all makes me so happy that we decided to do this again, that we grew our family. He’s only been with us for two weeks, but it feels like he’s had a place with us forever.

Of course, there are the nonjoyous parts of newbornhood, too. I am tired. All the time. He is an awesome sleeper, but a gal can only go so long on night after night of 5-6 hours of broken sleep. And I’ve been peed on more times than I can count, as have many of the surfaces in our home, artwork included (Kid can get quite an arc going). I was warned that when baby boys sneak attack pee, they hit everything in sight, and I am still learning how to arm and protect myself (and my belongings).

He kinda looks like a big head here. I promise, his head is somewhat proportionately correct for his body. Which is large. Meaning he outgrew his newborn clothing in about 5 minutes and has graduated to 3 month size already. He already almost weighs 10 lbs.

And her? She is a complex little creature that fills me with such happiness, pride, love and frustration.

Adeline continues to blow my mind with how well she is handling a new little being intruding on her show. In fact, it doesn’t seem an intrusion to her at all. She doesn’t fight for ownership over Crosby’s things. She respects what is his and understand that everything does not belong to her. She is curious about him and wants to be involved with everything he does, to know about his whereabouts and if she can hug and kiss him. She is one of the most amazing people I know.

I watch her closely, studying behaviors for signs of how she is really truly coping with this change. And I read into little things and worry too much, but I can’t help it. I so want her to be okay, to reassure her whenever she may need it and pack her full of the knowledge that she is loved as if she were our only child. There are tantrums every day and battles, epic and insignificant, on a regular basis. But there were before Crosby joined us. Part of me wants to blame them on his arrival, but I think this behavior would be with us regardless.

And having two kids? It’s a challenge, one that breaks my heart on occassion. I want to be 100% available to each of them 100% of the time, but that’s 100% not possible. I hate having to split my attention between them. I know we’ll all adapt and figure out a system when Joey goes back to work, but I already fear for my sanity. But, one day and one challenge at a time, right? So with that being said, how do I keep from getting peed on?

5 thoughts on “How goes it here?

  1. beth

    I keep thinking of you! I’d love to get together sometime that works for you and meet the new addition! I love the name and I’m glad I can at least catch up with you through your blog (when I remember). I’m sending calming and good-sleep thoughts your way!

  2. Uncle Bob

    Hmmm. Chicago Bears colors on Crosby in that 1st photo.

    Ky peed in his face more than once. Very funny.

    BTW: Congratulations to you and Joey!

  3. tracylynne

    Congrats, I am so thrilled that he is healthy and that you are all doing so well. When I heard the name Crosby I thought perhaps it was from a certain well known hockey player but it is a lovely name for a beautiful boy.

  4. elizabeth

    “And having two kids? It’s a challenge, one that breaks my heart on occassion. I want to be 100% available to each of them 100% of the time, but that’s 100% not possible. I hate having to split my attention between them.”
    These are my exact feelings that I talk about on a daily basis with everyone I know who has multiple children. Your quote brings me to tears as I struggle with the same damn problem. Everyone I know who just gave birth to their second (which is 4 people in the past 4 months) are saying the same things. It’s just sooo hard.

    On another note — the boy peeing problem is more easily solved. You have to HAVE to cover that little guy up with the clean diaper as soon as you take off the dirty diaper. So, step one: clean diaper goes underneath dirty diaper. step 2: un-do dirty diaper but do NOT pull down. Step 3: stealthly pull off dirty diaper while covering penis with clean diaper at the SAME TIME. Now you may ask how do you clean the area? Well, after a few seconds, it is sometimes safe to slowly lift the diaper and start to clean…but…not always.

    Love Crosby. He’s a gem. So glad things are going well.
    Let’s catch up sometime soon!
    Congrats, blessings, and love!

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