A Constructed Life

Step One of Operation Adeline Preparation, Complete-ish

Ladies and Gentlemen, we have a toddler bed, and, more importantly, a toddler who will sleep in it.


We converted Addy’s crib into its less jail-like option on Saturday, hoping that she wouldn’t lose her mind when she saw it or spend the night aimlessly wandering our house. Happily, neither happened.

Addy didn’t realize her bed was different until we stuck her in it, at which point she stared at it with a perplexed expression and exclaimed, “It broken!” We explained it wasn’t broken, just different and reassured her that her required bedtime blankets and stuffed animals were all still there, and that no, she absolutely could not get out of it. So far, she’s listening, but we’re only 2 nights into this experiment.

It’s taking her about 45 minutes to fall asleep once in bed, as she chats with herself endlessly and then lies awake staring at her new view. Once morning rolls around, she spends around 10 minutes climbing in and out of bed, which I think may be a bad omen.

For now, we’ll keep our fingers crossed and the stairs blocked off. While it’s too early to call this a success, I’m so glad we’ve taken one big step towards getting ready for The Boy, as we’ve started calling him, to arrive.

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