A Constructed Life

So my fetus and I walk into this bar…

No, it’s not the start of a clever joke, it’s the introduction to my 2-day jaunt to Holy-Crap-It’s-Hot-Here Tampa, Florida, where Baby 2 and I did, indeed, visit a bar. A pizza bar. Where I ate an entire pizza (with help from my fetus, of course) and drank water while drooling over the wine being poured in front of my face. Since I couldn’t have wine, I followed up my meal of One Whole Entire Pizza (from scratch crust, y’all, baked in a wood burning stove with loads of garlic. So good) with a scoop of chocolate hazelnut gelato. Yum!

Enough about how I’m stuffing my face…

There are vast differences between my first pregnancy and this one, ranging from things like, last time I ate lots of fruit and this time I really want fried chicken. Also, poor Adeline did not go on a single out-of-state excursion while in utero. I think the furthest she got was 3 hours away from home when we traveled to Door County. This new baby? Five months into its life, it’s already been to another country, Mexico, and crossed America two times over; once to Florida and I’m also pretty sure I was very newly pregnant when I ventured to Portland, Oregon for a Whole Grains Conference. Where I drank a fair amount of wine. I am so sorry, Baby. Mommy also ate an obscene amount of quinoa, barley and oats, so I’m hoping that countered the affects of the alcohol. Or at least absorbed some of it.

Much like my trip to Portland, my journey to Tampa was for business, not pleasure. I arrived Wednesday at 5:00pm and left Thursday at 2:00pm, so it was a whirlwind, but I managed to squeeze in a few things, like a great dinner.

I planned on exploring the beaches and seafood restaurants along the shore of Tampa, but ran out of time to venture beyond the towering buildings and concrete streets of downtown Tampa, where my hotel was located.

I did, however, encounter this bird, so I could cross “See native wildlife” off my Tampa to-do list.

I also stumbled upon the University of Tampa, which is quite lovely and situated across the street from public gardens.

I love these moss covered trees.

Then, I made my way to this building, which housed the sole reason I was in Tampa.

The WFLA television studios, where the show Daytime is filmed. I had a date to make Chicken Sausage Gyros from Healthy Cooking magazine with one of the hosts. Did I mention that this show is shown on roughly 100 different stations throughout the US? I was a bundle of hormone-infused nerves.

This was the 4th time I did a television segment for work. And it was the first time I walked away from one feeling like it had gone horribly. I hated what I was wearing, I flubbed one of the ingredients and spent almost all 4 minutes talking about 1 recipe when I was supposed to address 3. When I watched it back today, I was happy to see that it wasn’t as awful as I thought it had been. My energy level is a little flat, but what can I say? I was worn out and stuck in my nervousness.

So, without further complaining, here’s my very first national segment. By the way, when you click on the link below, it’s going to take you to what looks like another blog post with only a red link in it. Click on it and the segment will play.


7 thoughts on “So my fetus and I walk into this bar…

  1. Stacy

    You were great! Good segment. I thought the pacing was great, too. After all you made a meal while you were standing there and you still managed to cover two more things! Well done.

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