A Constructed Life

Halfway there and feeling slightly panicked

Somehow, I am already halfway through this pregnancy, which is insane to me since I feel like I just announced it 3 weeks ago. I know I still have months to go, but a large part of my brain is already becoming preoccupied with all the things we need to do to get ready for Baby Two. Number one on the list: Prepare our toddler for the dramatic shift that’s coming her way.

We are hoping (notice I use the word “hope,” meaning I accept that the following things may not happen) to potty train Adeline in the next month or two to avoid having two kids in diapers. We also need the crib she’s currently sleeping in, which means transition into a big girl bed is also in her future. AND, because the small room she occupies is the perfect size for a baby, we need to convince her that the more spacious guest bedroom is way better than her current digs and transform that room from Generic Bedroom/Storage Space into The Coolest Room Addy Could Imagine.

Once those things are accomplished (Am I crazy to think they will be?), I have to unpack all the baby crap in our attic, remind myself how to use it and then get all that set up. So, there’s a glimpse into what’s happening in 35% of my brain right now.

On another note, here are some belly photos! If you compare the two pregnancies, the size of my belly is tracking roughly about 9 weeks ahead of where I was with Addy.

20 weeks with Number Two

29 weeks with Adeline

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