A Constructed Life

Sometimes being a mom means you eat the entire pie

One of the perks of my job is all the food. It’s everywhere and if you know the right people, you can nab some pretty awesome snacks throughout the day.

For example, I was sent home with an entire pie on Tuesday.

I’m hoping the person who gave it to me, John, wasn’t thinking “There’s Liz. She looks like a girl who could eat a whole pie.”

And let me tell you, after Tuesday night, I needed that pie…to tuck myself into its custard base and rest my head on pillows of juicy blueberries.

Because on Tuesday, I got the chance to be a single mom with two kids. Joey was out of town at a conference and our awesome neighbors, Wayne and Katie, needed a babysitter for their equally awesome 4-month-old daughter, Lydia.

I was both nervous and excited. Lydia is such a cutie and, now that Addy is basically a toddler, I couldn’t wait for some time with a baby. But two kids and only one me? Gulp.

Most of the night looked like this, as Addy explored the sweet, tiny new person in our home. Lydia was so patient with her as Addy couldn’t get enough of her little hands and feet. 

But then bedtime inched closer for each of the girls and Lydia got a little fussy in our hot, unair-conditioned home. The second she started crying, Addy turned to me, scared, and burst into tears herself. The harder one of them cried, the other followed suit. I paced the house, a baby in one arm and a toddler in the other, trying to soothe them to no avail. As I walked and bounced Lydia, Addy followed behind me, tears streaming down her face. I wished for another set of arms.
But, all the sudden, Lydia’s tears stopped and she quietly fell asleep in my arms. Addy, too, stopped crying and gave Lydia a few hugs. That’s when I realized she’d make a great big sister and that maybe two kids would be a pretty awesome thing to have one day. 

Lydia is such a good girl and I really enjoyed the chance to hang with her for a bit.

After she went home and Addy went to bed, I wrapped myself in the peace and quiet of my home and pulled that pie out of the fridge. 

And as I uploaded photos from the night, do you know what I did?

I ate the shit out of that pie. I guess I am a girl who can polish off a whole pie by herself. Hey! Don’t judge! I gave two pieces to my in-laws and parents and saved some for Joey, even though he had abandoned me for 4 nights. I should get a sticker for being such a good sharer.

3 thoughts on “Sometimes being a mom means you eat the entire pie

  1. eliza

    I am thinking about going out and getting an entire pie myself right now…..since my venture "back to work," my almost-9-month-old-son has decided that he doesn't want to sleep anymore….he wants to hang out with mama….and believe me, while I would love to hang out with him, I just can't justify it…so for the past 1 1/2 hours…yes, count them, 90 minutes, my son has been screaming….do I feel like the wickedest witch in the west? yes…..take me away, DCFS…I feel awful….I need a PIE!

  2. katie

    I'm back on and I was going thru blog withdrawal! I couldn't get on for days! 🙂 Thank you so much for watching her,you were a brave woman. WE APPRECIATE IT MORE than you know! We love the pictures of the girls and Addy did such a great job playing big sister for the night! We are very lucky to have people like you living next to us!

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