A Constructed Life

Birthday Number One

About 40 people descended on our home last Saturday to help celebrate our darling girl’s first birthday. They filled the tent in the driveway, the garage and the front porch and we so appreciated each one of them being there.

My dad made Addy’s birthday cake and stuck with the party’s theme (Lovebugs a.k.a Ladybugs) as requested. The cake was three-layers of chocolaty goodness served with cherry-infused whipped cream and vanilla ice cream. Yum, yum and more yum.

When the big cake-eating moment arrived, everyone came from their various stations around the house to watch, hoping to witness Addy unleash a fury of fists and fingers into the cake, shoveling it in to her mouth while getting covered with sugary goo in the process.

Here’s Addy’s first handful. She loved the feel of cold ice cream squishing in her hand.

The first bite. All 40 guests waited with eager anticipation for her squeals of delight and face-dive into the cake.

Have I mentioned before that my daughter’s not much of an eater? Underweight at every pediatrician appointment, despite all of our attempts to plump her up.

Rather than actually eat her birthday cake, Addy went all Close Encounters of the Third Kind on it, using a fork to shape it into a melty blob. She took two bites and that was it. No sugar thrill, no birthday-girl-covered-in-cake photo. I should have known better. This reaction to cake is so her.

Happily, she adored her balloons and continues to run around the house with them and swat them like she’s Larry and they’re Curly and Moe.

And watching her open her gifts was a thrill. Like all her little cousins around her, she enjoyed ripping into them all.

They ranged from precious, to clever, to educational, to Producer-Of-The-Most-Annoying-Sound-I’ve-Ever-Heard-And-Thank-God-It-Has-An-Off-Switch.

All in all, it was a wonderful day that made us so grateful to come from a big family of colorful and caring people.

P.S. Don’t mind the rust on our crappy steps. Did you know you’re not supposed to use regular screws in pressure treated lumber? Cause the chemicals in treated wood makes regular screws rust? Yeah, we didn’t know that. Decking screws are the answer. Just wanted to pass that little gem of information along to you all.

5 thoughts on “Birthday Number One

  1. tracylynne

    Lane stuck his hand in the cake at his party and that was about it-the next day we gave him some leftovers and everything changed, I did manage to get some cute-cake-all-over-the-face pics out of him. I left the decorations up for 3 weeks-I made a clothesline of all his baby pics and I didn’t have the heart to take them down.

    1. Liz Post author

      I’m so glad to hear that it’s not just my kid! Addy did take a few nibbles the next day, but I’m still waiting for her sweet tooth to kick in! And I’m just like you – her decorations are still hanging up in the garage. 🙂

  2. Elizabeth

    Wow, I can not believe that Addy turning ONE has come and gone….how quickly the time flies! She is a doll, just gorgeous, and looks like the party was quite a hit! Sending love…

  3. Pingback: And just like that, she’s two | A Constructed Life

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