A Constructed Life

Look at these cows

They are my neighbors. Not literally, but these guys live around the corner from my house and illustrate one of the many reasons I love living in Wisconsin and continue to live out in the country (though, to be honest, it’s getting harder and harder to justify my 45 minute commute to the city each day).

There was a 3 week period back in 2008 when I decided to be a runner, and my route took me by these cows. They would all stop what they were doing, like chewing their cud, or whatever it is cows do, and stare at me, watching me jog by, so very, very slowly, making sure I didn’t hurdle the fence into their pastoral scene. Or maybe they were waiting for me to hyperventilate, because running is not my thing. I’ve since decided to become very good at walking.

Look, there’s even babies!

I feel like this could’ve been shot in Ireland. I pass these cows every time I go to my parent’s, which is about 1 mile away from my house.

And these guys! I LOVE them!

They live about 1.5 miles from my house.

And despite their intimidating horns, I desperately want to get out of my car and hug them (and braid their hair) whenever I drive by.

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3 thoughts on “Look at these cows

  1. tracylynne

    I have the same scenery here in OK on my 45 min drive to work each day, but everyday when I come home its peaceful, I am thankful that I don't have to deal with noisy neighbors or traffic. Yes its harder and harder to go to work each day especially as our little ones get cuter by the day.

  2. Liz

    Yay, Susie, my fellow Wisconsin Girl!

    tracylynne – it's like you took the thought right out of my mind! Living where we do has its pros and cons, with the biggest con being a little less time at home with our cutie pies! Glad you can relate.

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