A Constructed Life

The early bird may get the worm, but sometimes the worm is a total dud

So. The bathroom remodel. It’s been 3 years in the making. All is going smoothly and beautifully cause Harold The Magnificent is doing all the work and He. Is. Good.

However, “smooth and beautiful” turns to “crap and disappointment” anytime an element of the remodel involves Joey and me.

Speaking of crap, we’re specifically having issues with the toilet for the bathroom.

Joey and I, being the naïve remodelers that we were 3 years ago, purchased everything we would need to remodel all the bathrooms in the house all at once. We bought a bathtub, three toilets and four sinks at the same time cause “it’s totally only going to take like 5-6 months to gut and rebuild our entire house, so we should probably buy everything we’ll need right now.”

Cut to several years and 500 unforeseen remodeling mishaps later, and we’re just getting around to finishing things up.

But that’s not my point. My point is this: We purchased the new toilet for The Ugly Bathroom three years ago. As Harold tried to install it, he realized we bought the wrong tank. “No biggie,” we thought. “We’ll just go get the right one.” We called every store in Wisconsin and not one of them has the tank we need. So then we called American Standard who explained they stopped making that tank over a year ago, and “No, we don’t have any left to sell you and no, no other tank will fit that toilet bowl.”

So, we’re up toilet bowl creek without a tank. AND we can’t return the bowl, because it’s already been installed.

And that, my friends, is a perfect example of how the worm-getting early bird can get screwed cause he’s actually just jumping the gun.

Happily, Harold the Magnificent is hoping to prove American Standard wrong by finding another toilet tank that will fit our toilet. In the meantime, I’m trying to think of creative things I can do with a toilet bowl, like give American Standard a swirly, turn it into a bathtub for Addy or use it as a creative way to serve soups.

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