A Constructed Life

A new Super Bowl snack?

Think about how many times throughout the day you eat food and how many different flavors you experience in the span of 24 hours. Then imagine watching someone try “real” food and experience flavor for the first time. That’s what I got to do this weekend.

Adeline is almost 6 months old and has mastered the art of eating baby cereal, so I figured it was time to take this eating thing to the next level and let her sample some real food.

I began with avocado. Yes, I know, it sounds like a strange first food for a baby, but I read (and believe me, I read and read and read) that avocados are the perfect first food because they’re easy to mash, aren’t a common allergen and are loaded with healthy fats (and my kiddo needs to fatten up).

Here are the makings of my baby’s first “real” meal.

Yum! There’s nothing like starting the day with slimy, mushy avocado that’s been mashed with a little breast milk. I call it Breast Milk Guacamole.
Here she is, getting ready to take her first bite.

And here she is after that momentous first bite. Clearly she’s contemplating whether or not she’s a fan of avocado.
Since taking these photos, Adeline’s has three more encounters with avocado and two encounters with banana. Believe it or not, she reacted better to the avocado, as she started crying the last time I tried to give her banana and then began refusing to eat anything, even her cereal, afterwords. Of course, I get the one baby on the planet who doesn’t like banana.

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5 thoughts on “A new Super Bowl snack?

  1. Anonymous

    It's so nice once they start eating real foods! I made all my girls' food myself (no jars) and it was super easy, cheap, and healthy. Let me know if you want to know some tips for doing it yourself.

    – Holly

  2. Shelley

    I could have written this post! Same for both with Emily, although now with a few teeth she loves taking little bites of banana. Have fun with all the food!

  3. Liz

    I'm so happy to know my baby's not the only banana hater!

    Holly – I'm actually doing the same thing. I've been having a great time making baby food for Adeline. However, it's all in the freezer, but I'm planning on trying some sweet potatoes I made for her soon!

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