A Constructed Life

A PSA and A Drywalled Kitchen

Magical things happen for your self-esteem when, after days of search for a USB cord in every nook and cranny, you finally find it sitting on a table, practically staring you in the face. With that in mind, and the fact that I got in a minor fender-bender this morning (everyone is 100% okay) I would like to make the following Public Service Announcement.

If you see this pregnant woman…

…who is visibly very distracted and without much brain activity, avoid her at all costs as her ability to properly and safely function in society has been greatly diminished. Although she has no visible tattoos or birthmarks to help identify her, she did get a huge mosquito bite on her right boob, so watch for awkward attempts at clandestinely scratching the said boob to relieve intense itching. Thank you. We now return to our regularly scheduled programming:

Our Freshly Dywalled and Mudded Kitchen!

But before you dive in, I strongly recommend clicking here to see what our kitchen used to look like.

This is where the Butler’s pantry used to be. We moved a built-in china cabinet and had it framed and drywalled into place so it looks like it’s always been there.

These are the steps to the basement and the back steps to the second floor.

This is the main kitchen area. We got rid of a window to make room for more wall cabinets. The sink will be right under the window and there will be a small island with a breakfast bar in the middle of the room.

This shot is taken from the dining room, which now opens into the kitchen since we moved the built-in china cabinet. And no, it’s not snowing inside our house – that’s a thick layer of dust from sanding the mud down so it’s smooth.

And here’s the view from the Butler’s pantry, looking into the kitchen towards the door that leads to foyer. The dining room entrance is on the left.

This is my favorite view…standing in the kitchen looking towards the dining room. I love that brick chimney and am so happy we decided to keep it exposed. It was an easy choice to make.

And there you have it – our kitchen is slowly turning back into a usable space – thank goodness! I’m reaching my limit with living in a grimy dust bowl and washing dishes in the basement. Well, I’m off now to unintentionally wreak havoc in my community. Bye!

5 thoughts on “A PSA and A Drywalled Kitchen

  1. ethan@OPC

    hehe! I love all the little anecdotes. It's great to see the kitchen start taking shape. Hurray!

    Think you'll still be posting when the wee one arrives?

  2. NV

    Sorry about the fender bender. So glad everyone is OK!

    That kitchen … can it really be the SAME one? I think you're having us on, Liz. In your blithering fog you've no doubt wandered onto a neighboring property. (They're probably dialing Joey this very minute to come and retrieve you.)

    Seriously, what a fabulous job. It is lookin' great!

  3. Liz

    Ethan – I will definitely keep posting when the baby arrives. I may take a break for a bit as I try to make sense of my new life, but once I have that figured out, I'll be back with a whole new batch of anecdotes!

    Becca – thank you! You'll be amazed at the transformation!

    NV – I am laughing out loud at your comment! I would not be at all surprised if I actually had wandered into the wrong house and commented "My, Joey got so much work done on the kitchen today. It looks like a whole new place!"

    Susie – Thank you. I think so, too!

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