A Constructed Life

A Big Fat “I’m Sorry”

I owe someone a huge apology. I am guilty of having spent years of my life pestering and tormenting another individual.

It was this adorable, lovable baby, but I waited until she was about thirteen years old. That bundle of joy is my big sister, Erin, and today is her birthday.

To celebrate the special occasion, I would like to come clean about few things.

Erin, do you remember, back in the early 90s, when you and your boyfriend, Jason, left a pint of blueberry custard in the freezer to enjoy later? And remember how when you came home, there was only a small amount of it left, as if some blueberry-custard-eating monster had inhaled it? It was me. I was the monster who ate your custard. And I didn’t even use a separate bowl – I ate it right out of the carton. I’m sorry.

And remember how I used to sit right next to you and chew as loudly as possible while humming, just to annoy you? I knew both sounds, when heard individually, bothered you, so I chose to perform them simulataneously to really drive you crazy. I’m sorry.

Or what about when you had all your cool, older friends over, I sat right outside your bedroom door playing Barbies and singing songs? Or how ‘bout when you used to have to draw an invisible line down the back seat of the car during road trips so I wouldn’t hog the entire thing? I’m sorry.

What I also remember is that although I exasperated you to no end and deserved every frustrated look you gave me, you always loved me and took care of me. I remember weekends when you babysat me while your friends went out and numerous nights when you held my hand until I fell asleep because I was scared of the dark.

I remember a big sister that carved out a path before me, breaking in our parents and loosening them up, which allowed me a more freedom-filled upbringing.

Being the youngest has been to my advantage, but only because you were my elder. I have learned more than I could ever express from watching you overcome any obstacle dropped in front of you. I am lucky to have had the good sense to select you as my role model, because you live life with kindness, bravery, honesty and grace – even in the moments when you don’t think you do.

In my eyes, a better big sister does not exist in the world. I am so proud of you and honored to be your sister. Thank you for always loving me and helping me. I can’t wait to see where the next thirty years take us. Somehow, all the unknowns that lay ahead seem less scary because I know your hand will always be there for me to hold, just like mine will always be for yours.

Happy birthday and I love you!

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6 thoughts on “A Big Fat “I’m Sorry”

  1. NV

    Your letters to Baby Girl are awfully sweet, but this is right up there with them. Happy birthday to Liz's big sister!

    Thank you for NOT killing her. 🙂

  2. Anonymous

    Thank you so much for your sweet words, for your love, for your friendship, and for our sisterhood. What I remember is this amazing bright light called Liz, who always travelled her own unique, colorful path through life and does still today. You brighten my heart…you always have, and you need never apologize for anything. How lucky am I to have one person who always gets me, and who always loves me, and who will always be there to hold my hand too? I love you, Liz. Thank you for being you! I am so lucky to be your sister!


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