A Constructed Life

Warning: Protruding Belly May Break Through Computer Screen and Poke Your Eye Out and P.S. We Got New Appliances

There are four shiny stainless steel appliances sitting in my kitchen and I cannot use them. Joey has them covered in layers of plastic to protect them while we paint.

So instead of using them to cook, wash dishes, microwave or refrigerate food, I stare at them longingly and occasionally bust out with this pose…

…where I pretend I am the knocked-up version of a Price is Right model. My pregnant belly looks rather triangular in that photo. It takes on new geometrical shapes every time our baby pushes her body into it, trying to escape my womb via my belly button instead of my who-ha. I’m actually not quite sure which one of those would hurt more, but I’m fairly certain I’ll be finding out sooner rather than later.

So, here’s the fridge. It’s by LG, as are the other four appliances we bought at Best Buy (after three days of shopping around, they hands down gave us the best deal).

And the oven…

Speaking of ovens, take a look at this…

That’s me at almost 35 weeks of pregnancy. Doesn’t look too bad, does it? Well, the polka-dots on that shirt distract you from how big things are getting, cause this is what that belly really looks like…

And I still have a month left to go, which means that sucker is going to get even bigger. By the way, I love that these photos also have miscellaneous wires and blobs of our paint samples in them.

Well, at least I have one “oven” that’s working. I’m crossing my fingers that the “bun” it’s cooking is going to be pretty awesome.

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3 thoughts on “Warning: Protruding Belly May Break Through Computer Screen and Poke Your Eye Out and P.S. We Got New Appliances

  1. NV

    How do you find appliances in THREE DAYS?! I looked for more than FOUR MONTHS!

    Of course the more important oven IS part of a nine-month search. Looks like Baby Girl is rising like bread!

  2. Liz

    You guys leave such great comments. Thank you!

    NV- this growing belly of mine is an awesome motivator for Joey and I to get things done! 🙂

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