A Constructed Life

The Kitchen Dilemma is Solved

The miraculous has happened. After months, maybe even years, of struggling to create a new footprint for our kitchen, we’ve finally found one that will work!

Joey and I put our heads together with a very patient designer named Michelle, and together we found a solution.

We’re using this design, which I labeled with a lovely shade of hot pink:

We’ll be adding in a few aspects of this design, as well. I placed magenta stars by the ideas we’ll be incorporating into the previous design.
Michelle’s first plan called for filling in the steps to the second floor and I just cannot do that, so we’ll be leaving it (see the pink star). Also, we’re going to knock down part of a wall back by the pantry (where the other pink star is) so we can put upper and lower cabinets there.

We’re thrilled to have finally found a way to make our kitchen usable. Now we begin the adventure of pricing out cabinets and counters (which are stunningly expensive), as well as appliances.

Once the kitchen is finished, we will move our beds in next to the fridge and shut off the power and water to the rest of the house because we’ll only be able to afford to live in that one room. It’s really not a big deal. The sink can be the new “shower” and the stove can provide heat in the winter. Besides, the hum from the appliances will provide a nice white noise that should make falling asleep a breeze.

4 thoughts on “The Kitchen Dilemma is Solved

  1. Robin

    Yay I’m glad you found a new layout you like better! My husband and I aren’t even close on our ideas for our kitchen. We have big kitchen but there is a lot of space in the center and not much wall space…someday we’ll figure out something we can agree on.

    Can’t wait to see your after pictures!

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