A Constructed Life

The Kitchen: A Closer Look

We’ve all heard the saying “Use the right tool for the right job.” Well, what about putting the right tool in the right spot so you can actually find it when you need it? In other words, every tool should have a home and that home should make sense for that tool. This philosophy holds true for remodeling tools, crafting tools or culinary tools.

For example, I keep my baking pans here, on the floor next to a gallon of paint, which is the most natural spot for them because I so often find myself baking homemade cookies while I paint.

As I mentioned in my last post, we store our pots, pans and other dishes in the pantry, alongside this lovely wall of insulation. Because the sink is in the pantry, this set up actually does make sense for our current kitchen “situation.”

Here’s where I keep the rest of my culinary tools.
In a spare drawer underneath the “prep counter” in the kitchen. And please don’t mind that stash of bottles to the right of the drawer (although they could be considered mandatory kitchen tools as well). We’re not alcoholics, those are just accumulated gifts from guests who have come to our parties.
Here’s a closer look at my tool drawer. My two favorites here are the immersion hand blender and the green-handled tongs (it’s really long so there’s no worries of getting splattered with hot oil when cooking).

I keep my most essential tools, the knives, serving spoons and miscellaneous spatulas, on the table itself…
…and the spices against the wall in an old ashtray. It imparts the subtle smell of nasty smoke and burning chemicals to my spices, which can enhance a variety of dishes.

I’m kidding, but half of my spices really do sit in an ashtray. But it’s a super cool ashtray that I scrubbed for 3 days to get clean. I picked it up at an old factory that was going out of business.
Please don’t judge me for having dusty spice jars. I used to dust them off regularly, but when you remodel, the dust beats you down until you eventually decide to leave it cause it gives your home “that nice vintage look.”

This is my kitchen at the height of organization. Although that may sound ironic, that’s just how it is when you don’t have cabinets or real drawers. When the kitchen remodel is finished, I’m hoping to have a designated home for every tool and that I shall find said tools in their designated homes every time I look for them…unless Joey is cooking with them or washing them. Then it’s okay for the tools to leave the confines of their home.

3 thoughts on “The Kitchen: A Closer Look

  1. Liz

    Hi John – that is bacon salt and it is GOOD! A little sprinkle on a baked potato with some sour cream and chives and I am in heaven. My mother-in-law got if for me.

  2. Susie

    I can’t wait to see the kitchen when it is done!! Based on all your other improvements, I am sure to be green with envy over the kitchen:-)

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