A Constructed Life

A Swimming Lesson from The Budget Blinds Lady

In our lifetimes, we all experience “firsts,” as in “the very first time we try or experience something.” This past President’s Day, I had one of those “firsts.” I called someone to help me decorate my house…well, really just the windows. And I only did it cause their commercial said they’d come over and help for free. So, on Monday a representative from Budget Blinds come over to assist me with selecting blinds for 14 windows.

Let me begin this story by saying that Linda, the cheerful woman from Budget Blinds, took one look at my homemade window treatments and keeled over laughing. What can I say? Without shades or drapes, I’ve been forced to find creative ways (that involve painter’s tape and miscellaneous household items) to provide a bit of privacy in the living room and master bedroom.

Anyways, Linda arrived with an armful of samples and a guarantee that she could help me – the toddler with floaters who is floundering in the sea of interior design.

Linda quickly understood that the look I was going for was cost-effective and decent. “Linda, I don’t need drama or glamour with these blinds. I just want the neighbors to not see me wandering around in my pajamas or stuffing my face with chicken enchiladas.”

So, together we decided to adorn most of our windows with faux-wood slats in Whispering Ivory (a.k.a white)…

I did decide on one splurge. I opted to go with roman shades in the master suite. So we’d have something like this…

Over these…

See the creative use of painter’s tape and a broken roller blind? I know, my skills continue to impress you. I was pleased that this was the first time Linda had seen such a technique. I told her I would trade her that idea if she gave me all our blinds for free. She declined my offer. I’m sure she’s already regretting that decision.

Anyways, Linda left me some sample books to page through so I could pick my fabric for the roman blinds…

I flipped through them, held them up to the walls and the windows and then slowly began to change my mind about them. I mean, we don’t even have furniture picked out for this room, or rugs or bedding. How can I pick fabric for blinds when I don’t really know what this room is going to look like? Linda, why did you leave me alone to drown in this ocean of tan and brown textiles??!!!

So, I made an executive decision. I would not get roman shades. I would go against the grain and do something very creative and unexpected. I would go with the exact same faux-wood slats in Whispering Ivory that I had chosen for ALL the other windows in the house. I drove to Budget Blinds and returned the fabric samples, preparing to break the news to Linda.

“Please, Linda,” I would say. “Let me explain. It’s not the roman shades, it’s me. I’m just not ready for a commitment like that. I need to take it slow. I’ll begin with white faux-wood slats and then, over time, once I’ve learned more about my bedroom and what it needs, I’ll purchase and hang ceiling to floor drapes to show you that I’ve matured and am ready to give all I have to decorating. But I’m just not there yet. I hope you understand.”

Of course, Linda was awesome. I could tell she was slightly disappointed and was probably feeling bad for how boring my windows would look, but hey – white faux-wood slats are better than blue painter’s tape.

Now that I have taken on the task of selecting blinds, although they’re rather plain, I feel up to the task of doing more decorating. Perhaps the next time we speak of the subject, I will have ditched the floaters and will exhibiting the start of a promising doggie paddle, complete with thrashing movements and flailing arms.

7 thoughts on “A Swimming Lesson from The Budget Blinds Lady

  1. kennis

    Reading your Blog really makes my day!! 🙂
    I think that you made a great choice on the blinds. If you ever have and decorating questions feel free to come over and get me! I love doing that kind of stuff.
    I might be asking you for help when it comes time to paint the house, not only cuz you are the one that has to look at it.:) I also want to make sure that the colors fit right with the 1905 house.
    The count down is on till the garage is gone and I can’t wait!!! 🙂 Come join us for the fun if you are around this weekend.

  2. Becca

    my two cents? which i know you didn’t ask for… and not to make you second guess yourself but… the awesome window treatments you have in the master bedroom now while not the most attractive, they do an awesome job of blocking out light… not so sure with wood slats… with the roman blinds you can add the blackout option on the back of them so you can sleep in on the weekends or catch up on your sleep during the day when the baby kept you up all night. Like I said, just my two cents, but I just went through this with our place and I am SO glad I went with the blackouts. You can always just pick a neutral brown/tan color that matches the floor, that way no matter what color you go with for furniture, bedding, etc. it will coordinate!
    miss ya!

  3. Susie

    I always to a design board when I am redecorating a room. That way, I know what the room will look like before I even go shopping. Since you needed blinds right away, you can design around them. No biggie:-)

  4. Liz

    Katie!!! Thank you so much. I wandered over to your house last Sunday to make sure I got ‘before’ photos. It will be so crazy to see that thing come down. Can’t wait to show it on the blog!

    Becca – hey, hon! You should know that I have always wanted and needed your two cents, so thank you for sharing them. Good call on the blackout shades and we are so on the same wavelength. I made sure the Budget Blinds Lady could reassure me they kept the light out before selecting the wood slats. Nothing is final yet – we’re still deciding if we want to fork over the cash for someone else to install them (our windows have really funky trim that makes hanging blinds a huge pain in the arse).

    Susie – the design board is a fantastic idea. I have a pile of magazines set aside to help me get started. Thanks for the tip!

  5. Corey

    I say you did the right thing keeping the same blinds. It looks better when looking at the house from the outside as the windows will all look cohesive.

    I found this out the hard way. I got roman shades for the bedroom and don’t like them. The queen loves them, so unfortunately they have to say.

  6. graciela

    I recently came across your blog and have been reading along. I thought I would leave my first comment. I dont know what to say except that I have enjoyed reading. Nice blog. I will keep visiting this blog very often.



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