A Constructed Life

Happy Newness

How time flies!  Another year has passed us by in what feels like about 3 months.  As I get older, it seems like entire days morph into just a handful of hours, weeks now only lasts 3 days and months are compacted into a short blur of events.  I remember when I was a child time seemed to move at a snails pace.  The summer lasted a decade and winter might as well have been an eternity (at least it was an eternity filled with snow forts).  

Now that the holidays are behind us, I am left to focus on one thing:  my 30th birthday.  It looms over me, haunting my days with reminders of how quickly life goes by.  Although I don’t feel old or associate this age with anything old, there’s just something about this birthday that gets to me.  It seems so grown up, so adult…so far from my days as a care-free college student at UW-Madison, my years as a clueless and struggling high schooler and the “decades” I spent as a child surrounded by Barbies and bikes.  It boggles my mind that I am actually here, surrounded with grown-up accessories like a career, a husband and a house, though I am beyond thankful that each of them have come into my life. 
I have 18 days to come to terms with this birthday.  Eighteen days to be at peace with crossing the boundaries of my twenties to venture into my thirties.  I know age truly is just a number and in reality, this is a pretty small number.  Besides, my 20s, though filled with wonderful events and memories, were largely cluttered with me trying to figure out who the hell I was and what I really wanted in life.  I’m hoping my thirties will be more fluid and graceful and true. And I know it’s up to me to make them that way.  
So…here’s to the start of a new year filled with new things and only the best of the old things.  I look forward to sharing them all with you.   Happy 2009!  

2 thoughts on “Happy Newness

  1. NV


    Try not to obsess. Age really IS a number. 🙂
    Take it from someone to whom 30-anything sounds absolutely fantastic.

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