A Constructed Life

Tool Review: Senco Screwgun

Any guesses what this tool is? Let’s take note of a few features to help us figure it out. First, there are screws with it, which suggests that it’s some kind of device for screwing things in. Second, there is a trigger on it, much like a gun would have. Let’s add it up. Screws + gun…screws + gun…it’s a screwgun!

I purchased this screwgun for Joey’s birthday right before we dove into our remodeling project, and I must say, it’s one of the best gift I’ve gotten him. We primarily use this gun when hanging drywall and it helps move the project along a little faster. And you’ll really appreciate this when struggling to hold an incredibly heavy sheet of drywall over your head while waiting for your husband to just fasten the damn thing to something so you can move before your arms give out. Yes, this is a good tool. That being said, don’t spend the money on it unless you have A LOT of drywalling a head of you, because a regular drill works just as well, but it’s just a little less efficient.

This tool can also be used with wood – we installed all the subfloor in our attic with it. Just make sure you’re not using drywall screws with the wood.

If I had to do it over again, I would’ve spent the extra money on a battery-powered screwgun rather than an electric one. Since the majority of our second floor and entire third floor don’t have electricty, it can be a real pain in the butt to find a power source to plug this thing into.

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