A Constructed Life

Tool Review: Paslode Nail Gun

This is a nail gun. A very powerful nail gun. One that I adore because it has made this remodel the tiniest bit easier. Really, it’s quite an amazing tool. It belongs to my father, who is the quintessential handyman. The purchase of this tool involved research, time and money. Which is why it belongs to my dad and not us.

The only nail gun I had used before was a little one for nailing puny brads (for my friends reading this, brads are a little nail, that wasn’t a reference to our friend Brad). What you see in the image above is a serious nail gun. It’s battery powered for convenience and shoots through just about any piece of wood you put in front it, at any angle imaginable. If you are facing a project that involves an extensive amount of framing, I would suggest you buy this nail gun. It makes the job go so much faster! But, my dad purchased it refurbished and it cost upwards of $275. So, look at it as an investment.

One thing to keep in mind, it does emit an odor (caused by the magical products used to force the nail out and ram it comfortably into a piece of wood). It’s an odor I can’t quite describe – not offensive, yet not pleasant. The best way I can describe it is as a combination of sulfur and charcoal. But, the odor has become one that I appreciate simply because it has become so familiar. It reminds me of the hours we have spent using this tool, busting our butts to get new walls built and old floors reinforced with new joists. I love this tool and am so happy my dad purchased it, just to let us jeopardize it for the past 5 months. One day, he will actually get to use it.

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