A Constructed Life

Excited and proud, but also crapping my pants

Crosby Dean is already almost 7-months-old and that is pure craziness to me. What’s even crazier is that he’s already sprouting his first tooth and trying to crawl (up on his hands and knees, rocking back and forth). I am not mentally prepared or parentally prepared enough to manage two children that can move and get into things that can potentially kill them. Did I ever mention that one of my most favorite things about babies is that you can set them down in one spot and five minutes later they’ll still be in that exact same spot? It’s so charming. How I shall miss those days.

Crosby in mid rock. He can scooch himself backward, but the art of moving forward still eludes him.

Crosby is a big drooly bundle of cuteness. He weighs about 17 lbs (35-40th percentile) and is 26 inches long (90th percentile). His pediatrician gave me a few pointers on how to help him gain a bit more weight to get him into the 50th percentile, but then I reminded him that my oldest child only weighed 18 lbs at 15 months and I consider Crosby’s size to be a tremendous victory, thankyouverymuch. He agreed and high fives were exchanged.

Seriously. Look at that belly. This does not look like a child that is underweight.

My boy continues to be all smiles almost all of the time.

And has mastered the art of sitting up.

I feel like he’s hitting milestones so quickly. It compounds the feeling that one day I will wake up and the little babies that occupied my life will be off having babies of their own. So while Crosby’s 7 month mark is just days away, I will continue enjoying 6-months-old until the very last second.

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