A Constructed Life

I cried for 3 days and then fell in love

Maybe it’s like this for all new moms, or maybe just a handful of us. You get home from the hospital and emotions and tears seep out of every pore in your body. With my first pregnancy, I had learned that days 3, 4 and 5 postpartum were supposed to be the most hormonally charged. Except with Adeline, I cried for weeks 1, 2 and 3.

With Crosby, I condensed it down to a few days of solid sobbing. I cried because the pregnancy was over (I was so uncomfortable, but why did I wish it away?), I cried if Addy seemed anything but 100% blissed out (She just frowned. And she seems distant. OMG! She is ruined for life. How could I do this to her?) and I cried because our lives had changed (As I pulled a pre-Crosby shirt from the laundry – The last time I wore this, there was just 3 of us. And it will never be that way again!) I could barely open my mouth to speak without wails and sobs escaping.

But now? The tears have evaporated, and I see that I am beyond blessed with a wonderful husband (who is home until Nov 28th, at which point, I’m certain shit will hit the fan), a baby boy who can already sleep 3.5-4 hours during the night (fingers crossed that I didn’t just jinx myself) and an amazing daughter who has shown she is more resilient to change, and accepting of it, than her Mommy.

Here’s a look at the last 8 days of my life, and the start of our journey as a foursome.

One last family photo before dashing to the hospital. I am so glad that bloated look on my face is on its way out.
Grateful that we made it with plenty of time to spare.
Gowned up and ready to go. Let’s get this baby out! I was so happy to be at the hospital and just hours away from losing the gigantic, heavy belly I had been carrying around for months.
Epidural? Yes, please!
I did it. I did it. I got him out. Why did that hurt so bad? Crosby, fresh from the womb.
Oh, that’s why. His birth weight is identical to what my first-born weighed at 2 months old.
The new Big Sister finally understands that Baby Brother is an actual baby, not just a huge lump in my belly. Baby Brother is so soft!

Hours before going home, the hospital serves us a Celebration Dinner. Rather than candle light, we dined over the glow of a newborn baby.
Juggling two kids begins, but they’ve made it easy so far. Adeline is such a good big sister, giving Crosby hugs during the day and kisses at night. I am completely amazed by how well she’s adjusting and grateful that Crosby sleeps enough to make quality time with her very doable.
Crosby’s first bath is a family affair.
One of the last nice days in Wisconsin requires that we all go to the park. Going down a slide 7 days after delivering a baby? Very bad idea.
And him? We are already so in love. My biggest frustration is that he’s such a sleepy kid, I can barely keep him up to finish a feeding, so my boobs are constantly in various stages of About to Explode with Milk.  If that’s as bad as it gets, I’ll take it.

8 thoughts on “I cried for 3 days and then fell in love

  1. Rebecca

    Just checked in with the blog, so glad to hear some updates, your labor story and see how great you are all doing. You were an amazing mama to Addy and now you are that to both Addy and Crosby. Love to you all.

  2. Courtney

    I’ve been WAITING for an update–so fun to read this one! I love that last picture of Crosby–he’s ready for his glamour shot! So happy to hear that the tears are gone and you’re able to enjoy this memorable time just the four of you, right before the holidays. Let’s skype again soon when you’re feeling up for it!

  3. Sheryl

    Glad to hear you are getting over the tough part! The pictures are really cute! Hope you are hanging in there and doing well! Can’t wait to catch up!

  4. Nicole W

    Glad the crying phase passed so quickly! Its so great that Joey can be home with you for a couple weeks! Can’t wait to meet the little man. What a head of hair!

  5. Liza

    I was just asking Lori if she knew if you had your baby by now. Thank god I remembered the name of your site so we could get an update. Congrats! He’s a real cutie! Enjoy your time off & I hope we can get together sson!

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