A Constructed Life

On names, and not having one

I keep waiting for it to happen. To hear or read a word and feel in my bones that I’ve just stumbled upon my baby’s name. It hasn’t happened yet, but we have found hundreds of names that we do not like.

Scouring baby name websites leaves us bleary eyed and feeling hopeless as we click from screen to screen feeling uninspired by everything we see. So I’ve started looking elsewhere, as in everywhere else, for The Name. Street signs, business names, maps, trucks driving by…I glance at them all in hopes of finding a spark of a yes!

When I read magazines and books, I only pay attention to the names, spending more time perusing the masthead than I do paging through the publication. I sit and watch sports with Joey now, hoping a baseball or football player will give me the answer.

If we ever do pick a name, we’re going to keep it a secret until The Boy is born, just like we did with Adeline. That being said, I will tell you one name he will not be given. Flynn. I like it, Joey hates it. But the more I see it, the more I realize it’s not the right choice for our son. We have one option on our list. Neither one of us loves it yet, but at least it’s a start. Got any favorite boy names you don’t need?

7 thoughts on “On names, and not having one

  1. Susie's Homemade

    Names are hard. I used to think a son I would have would be Michael but an ex-boyfriend ruined that one for me. Our youngest was going to be Daniel until we found out she was a girl and so, we named her Daniella. So, maybe try the other way…girls names that could go masculine:-)

  2. Uncle Bob

    Why not wait until you get to know him a bit, and then all of a sudden the perfect name will hit you. Ky didn’t have a name when he left the hospital (of course, that might explain lots of things).

  3. Rebecca

    Conor? Ethan? Jacob? Cole? Elliot?

    I’ll tell you, we couldn’t come up with names either, and when Elena was born, I just knew it was her name

    No need to stress, you’ll find one.

  4. tracylynne

    When I was pregnant I thought it was a girl and I knew her name would be Laney-alas I had a boy and changed it to Lane but his middle name Cash was chosen because every time I heard Johnny Cash he’d kick the crap out of my belly. Please avoid any of the “aiden” names they are so common…Look at the end of credits after a movie there are always some cool names…Hope your feeling well and baby is healthy- sorry I haven’t commented for so long but my new job which I LOVE is keeping me busy.

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