A Constructed Life


It’s not as if I didn’t already know this stuff was delicious. I just had never purchased a jar of it before, so I had only sampled its glorious hazelnut-cocoa flavor. But then Joey brought a jar of it home and my eyes (and mouth) were opened to its divinity, and I have not stopped eating it since. I put in pancakes, my coffee, on bananas, peanut butter sandwiches, ice cream, waffles and more.

My favorite part? The tiny picture on the back of the label that explains Nutella is part of a well-balanced breakfast when enjoyed on whole wheat toast and with a side of milk and OJ. Unfortunately, I have yet to eat it that way. Instead, I enjoy my Nutella with these:

My daughter’s Cinnamon Teddy Grahams. Those little bears are just the right size for dunking and the cinnamon adds another layer of flavor. Maybe part of why Adeline is so skinny is because her pregnant Mama keeps eating her food.

2 thoughts on “Obsession

  1. Rebecca

    Yeah, I shamefully went through a jar of that stuff in my third trimester… I hid it in the back of the pantry so I was the only one that knew where it was!

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