A Constructed Life

For her, I will look like an idiot

Here’s a riddle for you guys: What do get when you combine a toddler with a sunny (though still blustery, insanely windy) day and a new mega box of chalk?


Hours of fun that leads to a new obsession for your daughter, so much so that she wakes up yelling “CHALK!” in the morning. Except she’s still learning to pronounce things, so it sounds disturbingly similar to C-*-C-K, which makes you leap out of bed faster than you knew possible.

We spent most of the weekend outside, decorating the driveway, walkway and our skin and clothes with dusty shades of pastels.

But then Adeline found her sled stashed away in the garage, and even after 5 minutes (which is an eternity to a toddler) of me explaining there was no snow (thank god) on the ground, so therefore, we could not sled, she continued to look at me like, “I don’t need no stinking snow to sled, Mom, so therefore, the sledding shall commence,” something in my brain clicked back to being a child. And I got it. She was right. Only a grown up thinks you need snow to use a sled, cause last I checked (age 8, maybe), a plastic sled slides pretty well over grass and cement.

So, we went sledding on the grass in the front yard and it was a blast, even though I felt the neighbors and strangers walking by looking at me as if I were insane. I was happy to discover that I didn’t care.

Here’s to children reminding us to think outside of the box and that sometimes being practical is just a good reminder that you’re getting old.

5 thoughts on “For her, I will look like an idiot

  1. Kelly J. R.

    Ever try indoor sledding? Just lay a blanket down on the floor and pull them around the house. I recommend having the kid lay on their belly instead of sitting up though. Picture the “responsible” adult pulling too hard and the kid falling backwards and slamming their head on the floor. Yeah. Not that I did that or anything. Warning: Indoor sledding is highly addictive and the kid will beg you to go “again” and “again” and “again”.

  2. Sheryl

    That’s hilarious! Jack did this last summer too. He found the sled when it was 65 degrees and insisted on riding around the backyard in it!

  3. katie ennis

    Oh Liz you didn’t look like an idiot! We thought it was very cute,I wish Lydia was around to have gone around the yard with her. :}

  4. Liz Post author

    Good, I’m glad to hear that the overall opinion is that this was cute rather than insane. We’ll have to try indoor sledding tonight! Knowing Addy, she’ll instantly be hooked.

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