A Constructed Life

Let the back-breaking labor begin!

Have you noticed that I’ve posted very few photos of the outside of my house? It’s on purpose. And mostly because the outside of my house is ghetto. I mean, GHE-tto! From the G to the H to the E to the T-T-O. Like peeling paint, sections that aren’t even painted and one part that’s painted an entirely different color. And then there’s the horrifying “landscaping” which means ungodly awful overgrown shrubs and weeds that I know my neighbor, president of the local garden club, wants to dig out and beat me with.

Well she can’t. Because they have already been removed! Hooray! One step back from ghetto-dom!

Joey surprised me the other day and had them all removed. And I felt so embarrassed because the removal dude was all, “So I hear you have a horticulture degree?” and I hung my head in shame and muttered about how busy we were fixing up the inside that we forgot about the outside and then I had that baby that sucks up all my time plus a blog and job and errands and the rest of my life so why don’t you just go back to sawing down the tree-sized thistles in my yard, okay?

Here’s what the house looks like now. And no, there aren’t any before photos because I don’t want to remember what it used to look like.

So I’m super excited that all that ugliness is gone and now we have a clean slate. But I’m also rolling my eyes at that clean slate because you know what it means, don’t you? It means we have to put something in its place. We have to fix it up. Which means I have to employ that horticulture degree and think of what lovely plants, shrubs and maybe a small tree I’ll use to beautify the exterior of my home. And we have to replace the wood around the porch. And the porch steps. And install a small patio in the backyard. So, in other words, now we have a bunch of work to do.


4 thoughts on “Let the back-breaking labor begin!

  1. Tiffany

    The house looks great!!!! Don’t worry about hurrying to plant stuff…take your time b/c winter will be here soon and everything looks so gross anyways then!

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