A Constructed Life

About to totally embarrass a whole bunch of people

You know why I love weddings? The dancing. Under no other circumstances do so many different types of people get dressed up, tanked up with liquor and then tear it up on the dance floor without a second thought as to what they look like while doing it. Myself included.

And while it’s all fine and good in the moment, as the music is pumpin’ and people are bumpin’ (name that tune), the scene turns for the worse when someone busts out a camera and gets still shots of all the action. And then puts them on the Internet for the world to see.

These photos were taken a few weeks ago at my very dear friend Courtney‘s wedding. The people in the photos are some of my best friends. At least they were. Not so sure how they’ll feel after reading this. I love you guys!

This is a bunch of kids and my friend, Jeff, doing Thriller.

This is Shari, a professionally trained dancer, and her husband, who is also named Jeff. Based on the look on his face, you can bet Shari was busting out some super awesome moves when this photo was taken.

Here’s the bride and a throng of girlfriends. Notice bridesmaid Mandy across from Courtney. There’s no better place for a Michael-Jackson-inspired crotch grab in a cocktail dress than at a wedding.

This is Colleen and Mead. They’re lots of fun.

This is Brad. He plays air guitar.

This is Adam and Pete. Square dancing. Cause that’s what manly men do at weddings. They do-si-do, alaman left and occasionally even promenade.

Wedding season is in high gear. When you’re on the dance floor, watch out for the girl with a camera and a blog.

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3 thoughts on “About to totally embarrass a whole bunch of people

  1. Cheri

    I'm happy to see that Peter and Adam paid such close attention to the square dancing lessons we were forced to take in elementary school. Those lessons are still paying off!

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