A Constructed Life

Beyond the world of breastmilk

The holidays are an exciting time in general, but add in the momentous occasion of watching a child try solid food for the first time, and that excitement turns into hundreds of little excitement gift boxes all wrapped in precious ribbons of hilarity.

Adeline’s pediatrician gave the green light to start solids, which means she can have up to 2 tablespoons of watery rice cereal a day! Yum!

Seeing that I LOVE food and the eating of it, I was thrilled to give my daughter the first of many new food experiences.

Joey and I gathered the necessary supplies for a baby’s fist solid food feeding.

Organic rice cereal. Check.
Breastmilk. Check.
Plastic bowl and spoon. Check.
A baby. Check.
Bumbo chair to put baby in. Check.
Burp rag to catch cereal cause barely any of it actually gets swallowed. Check.

Just look at her expression. She totally knows something’s up. “What the hell are you guys doing to me now?”

“Seriously. You guys are acting weird. Did you hang a ‘Kick Me’ sign on my back or something?”

“Oh, okay, ya big dorks. I’ll play along.”

“Not bad. But I prefer Grade A Breastmilk. By the way, you should really clear some of the crap off your counters.”

If you hadn’t noticed, these photos really capture Addy’s balding head. She’s sporting a bit of comb-over these days as her longer newborn baby hair falls out and fresh stuff comes in. She asked for a toupee for Christmas, but Joey and I don’t want to support such vanity.

Here’s some video footage of her first experience with solids (which was really just thick liquid).

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4 thoughts on “Beyond the world of breastmilk

  1. Shelley

    How exciting! A little tip, if you want it. I tried those Munchkin spoons first too and found them to be too deep for Emily to take food from with her tiny little mouth. I recommend the good 'ol Gerber metal handle with rubber tips for the first few months of solids. They are flatter and she seemed to eat easier with those. And say goodbye to breastmilk poop and hello to real poop!

  2. EdwinaHugh

    美女交友artdab美女交友cys pm美女交友djgift美女交友ggo美女交友ggoo美女交友locarno美女交友sfr美女交友thcmt美女寫真mat情色a片flashxyz美女交友artdab美女交友cys pm美女交友djgift美女交友ggo美女交友ggoo美女交友locarno美女交友sfr美女交友thcmt美女寫真mat情色a片flashxyz美女交友artdab美女交友cys pm美女交友djgift美女交友ggo美女交友ggoo美女交友locarno美女交友sfr美女交友thcmt美女寫真mat情色a片flashxyz美女交友artdab美女交友cys pm美女交友djgift美女交友ggo美女交友ggoo美女交友locarno美女交友sfr美女交友thcmt美女寫真mat情色a片flashxyz

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