A Constructed Life

Wisconsin’s Grooviest Patio

Recently, my amazing sister, Erin, and her equally awesome husband, James, had new patios installed in their front and back yard. Not only did they take photos of the entire process, they turned them into a little movie set to funky tunes for our viewing pleasure.

Before you hit play, let me explain something. In the movie, you’ll notice a shot where James seems to be hugging and chatting with a tree. I assure you, he is not crazy. He is simply saying goodbye to the tree, which had to be removed, and making sure it understood why it was leaving. It’s what any compassionate homeowner would do.

I actually think the Patio Movie soundtrack should be playing in the background as Erin and James go about their day-to-day business. The song so perfectly captures the groovy vibe the two of them unknowingly put out into world. Now, they may disagree with me, but Erin and James are among the coolest cats I know.

When you visit their home, they’re always hanging out, listening to fantastic music, enjoying delicious food and they always have a tasty cocktail waiting for you. I love seeing them and I can’t wait to enjoy fun family get-togethers on that back patio with their signature guacamole, which I could eat by the handful because one little tortilla chip simply cannot deliver enough of it to my mouth.

Erin and James – thanks for sharing the video and thank you, in advance, for sharing your sleek new patio with us! I love you!

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