A Constructed Life

What a Mavericky Day

First things first. Your opinion may differ from mine, but I begin this day with such happiness and relief. I am so thankful that Barack Obama is our next President.

It is only right that on a day filled with such hope, such excitement and such revitalization, that the sun shines brightly, the breeze blows lightly and warm and cold have combined to create the perfect temperature.

It is November 5th in Wisconsin, and it is 70 degrees. I am wearing flip flops – without any danger of frost bite.

This is unheard of. On this day one year ago, it was only 37 degrees.

Look at this pretty ivy on our porch. I want to wrap myself up in its tendrils so I can memorize its colors and sit on the porch all day savoring every bit of this unexpected warmth.

But I cannot. The office calls. So I will wear my flip flops to work. Although I will spend most of my day indoors, every step I take in these “thongs-for-the-feet” will remind me that it is not yet winter. I have been given one more day where my body is not burdened with multiple layers of clothing, where I can walk outside without my nostrils freezing and sit in my car without swearing (“Holy crap, it’s cold. Sweet, sweet Jesus I’m freezing”) while I wait for it to warm up.

Ah, Winter – I saw you sneaking in, thinking you could win us over with pretty snow flurries and Christmas music on the radio. But think again, Buster! Wisconsin isn’t your bitch just yet. However, I think we will be by Saturday cause it’s supposed to snow and there’s a frost advisory and after tomorrow the temperature quickly starts plunging towards the 30s. And I was just starting to think that Summer was such a maverick…

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One thought on “What a Mavericky Day

  1. Milwaukee Cupcake Queen

    I think Mother Nature has married the Grim Reaper, its getting colder and colder and colder…just the time I was in the supermarket today it must have dropped 10 degrees!

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