A Constructed Life

A New Look

I have been meaning to switch the look of this place up for over a year! Part of why I haven’t been posting much is because I wasn’t digging the way things looked around here and I felt frustrated by how difficult is was to change it myself and find the time to do it. But finally it’s done. For now.

I’ve also been struggling to feel inspired to write here, mostly because I don’t feel like I’m really saying anything, just flashing images and facts about my “home” and family. I’m not taking the time to tap into any emotions or even trying that hard to write well…instead I’m throwing words out to fill the space, trying to avoid entire months passing between posts.

I’ve always said this blog was like an online journal for me and my family…to capture the moments of our lives as they pass too quickly. So my kids can look back and see their beginnings, because it’s unlikely they’ll remember much of what’s happened in their lives so far. And it’s unlikely that I’ll remember all the details and anecdotes for them if I don’t write them down immediately. I miss writing. I miss shaking all the loose change out of my mind and heart and finding that it adds up to something when I put it into words on a page. I hope to be back here more. I hope to occasionally say something interesting or entertaining. I hope to share experiences that are relatable and meaningful. But there will probably be a lot of times I don’t deliver on those things. At least I changed the decor a bit for you guys. We’ll see what comes next.

3 thoughts on “A New Look

  1. Father

    Lighten up!! Be gentle!! Weird, the exclamation marks. Write. Skip the internal criticism. Write. From the heart…It’s always there….occasionally buried by the pace of the things of life…but it’s always there….allow space, time, and a bit of quiet, to hear it. While Crosby sleeps and Addy is at school. Silence.
    Love, D.

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