A Constructed Life

The beginnings of The Boy

In retrospect, I should have known I was pregnant. My body and subconscious had both tried to tell me, but since we weren’t even trying, I paid no attention. We learned I was pregnant at the end of February. We were staying at my parents’ house, who were out of town, while our wood floors were refinished. I took these picture the weekend we found out, and they will always remind me of the occasion.


A few weeks prior, there was an odd three-day period when my skin felt like it was stretching for seemingly no reason. I chalked it up to gaining weight and vowed to watch what I was eating. I now realize that my body was simply reacting to a new pregnancy – the start of my skin and muscles settling into a shape it remembered from 2 years earlier. Not long after that, I dreamt that I was pregnant and feeling dozens of kicks and bumps in my belly, as if it contained three babies, when, in reality, the one baby that was really there hadn’t even made its presence known yet. And for reasons I never really thought through, I stopped using certain products that seemed especially chemically. It’s crazy how our bodies and subconscious try to communicate with us and how easy it is to blow of the signs they give us.

The last nine months have been some of the fastest of my life. This little boy could show up at any time, and I still can’t quite believe it’s really happening. I could go on and on, but instead, let’s take a look back at his first introduction to you all.

I Can’t Believe I’m Making this Announcement Again
April 19, 2011

Over the past month or so, my posts have dwindled. And then just recently, they completely stopped. Like I said yesterday, I have a good reason to briefly cease posting – I could not bear to sit down to write to you guys and not type the words

I am pregnant. Again.

I think I just heard a few jaws hit the floor. It’s okay, I did the same thing when I found out.

See it waving to you? “Hey, y’all!”


So here we are – 12 weeks into round two of babyhood. Holy crap. Let’s run through the details, shall we?

Due date: October 28th, but you know this kid is going to show up on Halloween. So, Adeline and her little brother/sister will be just over 2 years apart.

When did we find out: The end of February. It took 2 positive pregnancy tests for us to believe it was true.

Was is planned? Not so much. We were going to wait until September to start trying for #2, ensuring I avoided a winter baby and that Joey, a principal, would be able to spend the summer nesting with us. Consider us the new official experts on How to Get Pregnant When You’re Not Trying to Get Pregnant. And that winter baby? It’s coming my way. The nesting time with Joey? At least he’ll be off during the holidays.

How are we feeling? At first, shocked. Then overwhelmed. Then like Safe Sex Morons. And then, we each took a deep breath and surrendered to total happiness. I have always believed that things happen for a reason. I trust that this is the baby we are meant to have at this exact moment. I find myself daydreaming about having a tiny newborn snuggled to my chest again, and I am excited. Of course, those feelings also come with a dose of guilt – how will my first born handle this? How can I care for an infant while making sure my toddler knows she is still just as loved as the first day she arrived?

How’s the pregnancy going so far? I have never been so thoroughly exhausted in my life. I was tired with my last pregnancy, but I could nap whenever I wanted. Now, I chase after Adeline despite a fierce desire to bury myself in my bed. Also, let me just recap a few things that have happened since this pregnancy (a.k.a Ultimate Sleepies) began: a nerve-wracking live TV segment, The Exorcism, Pukefest 2011, and more recently, a cold that morphed into the flu, turning me into the puker rather than the pukee. Also, my thyroid levels are all messed up this time, so I have to take medication. I despise this. I hesitate to pop a Tums or eat fast food when I’m pregnant. Having to take prescription drugs while pregnant makes me cringe. But, my OB has reassured me approximately 157 times that it is perfectly safe and would actually be worse for the baby if I did not take them. So, a preggo pill popper I have become.

There’s so much more to say, and thank god I have months to say it all and prepare myself and my daughter for another baby. But, that’s the gist of things – why this blog has been a bit lack laster lately and a glimpse at what is sure to become a regularly discussed topic here. Let the adventure/complete insanity begin!

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